The agriculture at Brevens Bruk AB is today conducted on about 500 ha, of which 320 ha is own operation (the rest is leased out). The focus of operations is plantcultivation with barley, wheat and seed pasture.
Agriculture is important for Brevens Bruk from many aspects. It gives a separate leg from forestry to stand on, it creates beautiful environments that are not least important for tourism and it gives us the opportunity to have a machine park that not only handles the agricultural land but can also plow snow, drive out silage to our deer in winter , keep our own roads in good condition and keep the landscape open. During the summer, the fields are grazed by cattle, horses and sheep. During the autumn, a new cowshed was inaugurated at Bystad. There, about 100 cows with calves will graze the land, mainly on Bystad Näs. The first cows arrived already in September.
Brevens Bruk AB has been collaborating with Boo Egendom for several years with both staff and machines.
In 2018, Brevens Bruk AB was granted support from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. The support refers to the construction of a cowshed at Bystad barn area. With a grazing dike herd, Brevens Bruk AB wants to create an open and living landscape and can then also use land that would not otherwise be used.