Midsummer in Brevens Bruk
Next midsummer celebration: 23rd and 24th of June 2023
The Midsummer celebration in Brevens Bruk has a long history, the tradition was probably introduced by Walloons who were recruited for iron handling in the 17th century.
Exactly how long ago the Midsummer celebration has been established is not known, but it is known that after being closed for a period, the celebration resumed around 1813.
Several thousand people come here every midsummer to join in and celebrate the highlight of the summer.
Midsummer evening (friday) begins with two cannon shots at 18.00. This is the “signal” for a gathering for everyone in the midsummer train at the Boo / Regna junction. Anyone who wants to take a closer look at the beautiful midsummer wreaths has the opportunity to do so now. Half an hour later, two more shots are fired, which means that you are now marching towards the midsummer pole’s party place.
First in the line is the Swedish flag, followed by Sweden’s oldest horn music corps, which plays the Midsummer March. Following the music corps are four boys who carry the symbols that will decorate the pole, namely the rooster, the globe, the arrow and the Swedish flag. Then follows the 14 wreath girls who carries the seven incredibly beautiful wreaths adorned with lily of the valley leaves and the most beautiful flowers that the area can offer. Then the applause usually resounds high along the village street.
When you reach the midsummer party place, the huge pole is raised with the help of strong arms, spikes and the horn music corps that helps by filling the air with music. It is usually a popular spectacle and during all these years that the celebration has taken place, they have always managed to get the mighty pole in place. Two cannon shots indicate that the bar has been raised and the dance can begin.
The Midsummer celebration includes a market, food, drinks and lotteries. The celebration continues on Midsummer Day (saturday) with dancing at the party place Lustikulle. Advertisements about times, orchestras, DJs, etc. can be found in local newspapers as well as in Brevens Bruk AB’s newspaper.
There are plenty of parking spaces, a fee is charged at the entrance to the parking lot. Motorhomes are usually able to park at the mill’s industrial area. Electricity is not provided. Public toilets are available in several places, look for the signs. At the party place Lustikulle no parking fee is charged.