The forestry is the dominating industry for Brevens Bruk AB with an area of 33 112 acres of productive forest land.
Brevens Bruk AB have high ambitions with regards to bot environment and economy and we are certified both in accordance to FSC® (FSC®– C014930, certification number: DNV-FM/COC-000170) and PEFC (PEFC/05-22-11, certificationsnumber: 2014-SKM-PEFC-94). The certification means that we commit ourselves to meeting the respective standard requirements in respect of environment, social values and economic interests.
Brevens Bruk AB have its own logging group with two machines. Our six forestry workers are machine operators but also do manual jobs.
Thomas Gripenstedt is our CEO.
Jonas Pettersson ( is Forest Warden and also responsible for the hunting.