The mass and roasting oven
A mass and a roasting furnace were built during the 1820s in Brevens Bruk. The roasting furnace was used for roasting ore in a blast furnace. The roasting was done to remove moisture and make the ore more brittle. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was time for a modernization of the mill. The blast furnace was rebuilt in 1903 and a completely new roasting oven was built in 1905. The roasting oven is open all year round.
Rostugnens Vänner is a non-profit association that started in 2009 with the intention of renovating and preserving the old Rostugnen in the middle of Brevens Bruk.
For more info visit https://modellboden.nu/
The Model House
Modellboden – Sweden’s newest working life museum. The extensive collection of wooden models is unique. Here are casting models that have been stored for a hundred years and give a good picture of the old ironworks’ production. Views for groups by appointment. For more info visit https://modellboden.nu/

The Mill Museum
Brevens Bruk has a museum that shows the production from the old ironworks. Three stories of interesting and old ironproducts. It is open all year round and is located just behind Brevens Bruk AB’s office. Ask for a key card to the door at Brevens Bruk AB, Saker & Ting Café or at Brevensgården.
Konstiga Rundan
A group of people have created different and interesting works that are displayed along the 6.5-kilometer long trail around Lake Botaren in Brevens Bruk every summer. Along the road there are nice places to have coffee. It is open each year from June to September.
Photo: Sofie Isaksson